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The Admin Dashboard as a Site Monitor project is a full-stack web application that allows administrators to monitor the performance and health of their website in real-time. The project provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface for administrators to view site metrics, such as traffic, load times, and error rates, and take action to resolve issues as they arise.

The project covers a range of features related to site monitoring, including real-time data visualization, notification alerts, and issue resolution workflows. By following the guidelines outlined in this project, administrators can easily set up an admin dashboard to monitor their website, ensuring that it remains online and performs optimally at all times.


  1. Real-time Data Visualization: The project provides real-time data visualization features that allow administrators to view site metrics such as traffic, load times, and error rates in real-time.

  2. Notification Alerts: The project provides notification alerts that allow administrators to receive alerts via email, SMS, or other channels when site metrics exceed set thresholds or when critical issues arise.

  3. Issue Resolution Workflows: The project provides workflows for resolving issues that arise during site monitoring, including the ability to escalate issues to support teams, view issue histories, and track issue resolution progress.

Technologies Used

  1. Front-end Technologies: The project utilizes front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, to create an intuitive and user-friendly interface for administrators.

  2. Back-end Technologies: The project utilizes back-end technologies such as Node.js and Express, to handle server-side processing, database interactions, and API integrations.

  3. Database: The project utilizes a database such as MySQL or MongoDB, to store site metrics and issue histories securely.

  4. Third-party Integrations: The project integrates with third-party tools and services such as Google Analytics, New Relic, and PagerDuty, to provide administrators with a comprehensive site monitoring solution.


The Admin Dashboard as a Site Monitor project provides a comprehensive site monitoring solution for administrators looking to ensure that their website remains online and performs optimally at all times. By following the guidelines outlined in this project, administrators can easily set up an admin dashboard to monitor their website, receive notification alerts, and resolve issues as they arise. The project utilizes a range of front-end and back-end technologies, as well as third-party integrations, to create a secure and reliable site monitoring solution.

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